Tuesday, July 17

The Jagular

or get the illustrated, abridged version


  1. Wonderful stuff! I've realised over the years that I owe many of my favourite words and expressions to A.A.Milne; mastershalums of course, jagulars, bisy backson, haycorns, heffalumps and my all time
    favourite, 'spudge' with which you may enjoy a revisit? House at pooh Corner chapter 9, 'In which Eeyore finds the Wolery and Owl moves into it.'

    Not blogging much this week as still away from home doing the family reunion thang. I'm extremely tired and looking forward to some quiet headspace from which to post a thought or two.

  2. Lol, forgot about that one! I've got a couple of spudges in my sink at the moment, I suppose I shall have to do something with them.

    Get some rest and don't get sick!
