Wednesday, July 18

(photo by alfonso de castro)

How can I overcome the space
Between me and you
When I can't even understand myself
The least bit at all
Even when I want to?

How can I feel love anymore
Between me and you
When I can't bring myself to love
My own cold body
Even when I should do?

How can I bring a death
Between me and you
Though I want no more thinning life
For my own self desires
Even so I have to.


  1. I like the photos you've chosen with the poems. This poem is sad, not surprising, but I WISH there was some way for you to find that special person!

  2. Me too =|

    After I wrote it I thought it sounded kinda John Lennon-ish (his solo stuff). Not as good as him, but his lyrical style.

    Wasn't intentional though. Funny how your influences are always at work subconsciously.

  3. yeh, i can see this being lyrical with the titles in between... good idea -

  4. It's just one poem, btw.

  5. i meant poem in the singular....i realize the titles are part of the poem. I hate typos!
