Wednesday, August 8


756 Home Runs and counting...
#1 All-time career home run leader as of Tuesday, August 7th, 2007


  1. I'm glad he didn't choke!
    Can you imagine the pressure
    I'm sure he's really stoked!
    He can surely be a man of leisure

  2. you're a poeth and ye have yet to knoweth

  3. I know I have a calling
    Don't you start that bawling
    You have it in your genes
    You know exactly what I mean
    It ain't those dark blue things

  4. OK enough poeth, Yeah for Barry!!

  5. Lol, I just watched the game tonight (the night after 756) and in the first inning with a man on, he pulverized another one WAY into the water. That's 45 "splash hit" homers at AT&T Park, 35 of which have been hit by Bonds.

    Last night, he went 3-3 with a double, a single, and then the record-breaking HR. Then he left the game. So tonight's HR in the first meant he broke the record again on the very first chance he got; 756 and 757 were back-to-back. Then he was walked, and finally grounded out in the 6th before ending his night as the Giants got the 5-0 shutout.

    He's reached base 5 of 6 plate appearances in this series. not surprising given he leads the entire major leagues (at age 43) yet again with a .500 on-base% and isn't far behind the league lead with his 23 HR, even though he got off to such a slow start. If he was supposed to have gotten so good by using steroids he's never tested positive for, how come he's still hitting like this?

    People just won't accept the fact that yes, he is that good. They have to find some way to tear him down, like people do to anyone who is great. Even the Babe has his share of detractors in his era, even though we don't think of it like that now, and certainly Hank Aaron was not as beloved while he played as he suddenly is now. Baseball is a game of nostalgia amongst other things, and that is why I believe people in time will come around on Bonds and give him his due recognition: The greatest player ever to play the game, equaled perhaps only by Ruth (Bonds was way better defensively and stealing bases; Ruth was an excellent pitcher for half his career). No one else is even close, not even A-Rod, though we'll see how he finishes his career.

    Physicists should stop building particle accelerators and just put electrons in front of Barry's bat, with a whole bunch of sensors around the batting cage. Same results, save a few billion dollars. =)
