Wednesday, August 8

Taking a break.

I just don't feel into blogging right now. I'm staying off my computer more, trying to get outside, trying to work on straightening up my place. Trying to stay away from land mines.

I'll be back soon. Maybe tomorrow, maybe in a week. I can't even say. I've just been worn down recently and need to recharge my batteries with new things to say and ways to say them.

And take some time for myself, which may sound silly seeing how much time I spend alone. But I mean it in a different way I guess. Unplugged maybe?

I may or may not check email or other blogs, I can't promise anything. It's not like anyone's hanging on my words anyway, I'm not that vain.

Well, see you sometime soon hopefully. No need to worry about me - this is my mini summer break is all.



  1. We look foreward to your Blogs, and your e-mails too. Keep it up when you can.

  2. Taking time out in order to replenish yourself is vital from time to time. Whether that's time out from work, a personal routine, blogging or whatever. I hope you find peace, inspiration and soul nourishment. We'll miss you whether temporarily or longer.

  3. Have a nice break. This means I can spend much longer on stuff I otherwise do and NOT feel obliged to swap twitterings across the Pond. P.S. You should listen to the cricket commentary online, deeply relaxing, huge kudos for self-confessed Anglophiles.

  4. Thanks everyone. Rex, was that all I was to you, beyond-the-pond "twitterings"? (bursts into tears).

    Oh and by the way I already watch "Cricket on Five" and "Dave Podmore's World of Cricket" ...occasionally.

    I found a place to basically download anything from BBC, so I've been on cricket lately, off my football kick (heh) for now.

    I think one of these days I'll understand it. It's like a more complex version of baseball. Any sports fans interested in baseball at all in England? I know there's just the barest pulse in Europe, in countries like the Netherlands and Italy. Also it's huge in Asia of course, and South Africa and Australia have professional leagues, of sorts...

    Baseball really only thrives in North, Central, and South America, and in Asia. But we're working to fill in the gaps ;-) What's the cricket like in America? I guess we must have some clubs eh? But they're probably a joke I'm guessing. Pretty ignorant about that sport still, but I'm learning.


  5. If the 'World Series' actually involved 'The World' and not just 'The United States of World' then the World might enjoy a chance to be world champions. Not that I'm suggesting anybody except the Cubans may have much of a chance of winning but... oh yeah, that might break one or two outmoded and sour grapes sanction requirements. They really do get it in the ear. What on Earth did they do to offend The Allegedly United States in the first place.?Was it something they said? Or did they just spoil a damn good holiday/gambling/playground resort?
    P.S. Do I hear a much missed cyber-twittering winding it's merry way down the cables in reply?

  6. I think it probably has more to do with them hosting Soviet nukes on their soil than anything else (though how that differs from ours being in Turkey beats me). But I agree that's an outmoded reason in this modern day and age, and believe it or not, things have improved a lot in "our" relations with Cuba. There have been a lot of restrictions lifted on trade, tourism, etc. And yes, they are great baseball players!

    I would personally love to see Old Havana, it's one of those rare places in the world not spoiled (quite yet) by American culture and exploitive democrazy. But then you Limeys would know all about that, being our lapdogs since WW2 and a shell of your former glorious selves, with fast-food on every corner and American rap and slang pervading a once so fiercely independent and literate culture. Sorry 'bout that! Welcome to the United States of World.

    Believe me, I wish it were not so.


  7. Yes indeed, dude. I very much believe you do. By the way I forgot to answer your quick question about U.S. cricket.
    We went to L.A. to play Compton Cricket Club aka the Homies and Popz. A mixture of a few 30/40 something homeless guys who were staying at a project called Justiceville in downtown L.A. right in the middle of some huge corporate skyscrapers housing mega million dollar business interests. Very surreal indeed. The other team members were just nice kids, 17-25 yr old would be gang members, as the Compton streets may well have dragged them in deeper than one or two had been already. Excellent fielders, decent bowlers and one or two strong batsmen, but still loads to learn. We liked them, they seemed to like us.
    Unfortunately, their main protagonist, a guy called Ted Hayes, has changed a bit since 2000. Shameless self-publicist and now up-front pro Bush Republican, Christian sponsored radio phone in host pro Iraq invasion and war, fiercely patriotic. I have respect for his drive , enthusaism and what he did for many homeless and disenfranchised people, but his main beef now is anti illegal immigrant stuff. Very touchy subject, subjective viewpoint to which I cannot subscribe. Look him up online, see what you think with your much better insight to U.S. culture and politics.
    The second part of the tour was totally laid back by comparison two games played up in Marin. Only saw S.F. from bridge but liked the north a lot. Will answer almost any questions re cricket but for now, I'm clogging your comments page.
    I should blog the California stuff instead, it was a wacky couple of weeks.
    Stay cool, in fact (forgive me for saying if you would) especially today, please stay very cool!
    Get back when you can.
