Saturday, April 19


  1. Aaaangeeeel.... :)

  2. That is very creepy.

  3. I think it's rather lonely than creepy... a guardian angel in the big black space, with no a tittle to protect...going away (to where?)... maybe she's the last angel in the universe.

  4. I don't think she's an angel at all. She's a headless ghost and she may possibly smell like the orchid petal she resembles. Is there a death orchid, I wonder?

  5. There's a 'death' everything.

  6. death....including the grim reaper reaching for the angel - can you see him on the right? part of the black negative space.

  7. Perhaps in life we can choose to laugh or cry, fight on, however hopeless the battle seems, or die.

    In each of our darkest moments we have that choice.

    It is well known that the one thing successful people have in common is that they didn't give up the day before achieving their goals.

    For my own part, however much the black clouds mass and the armies of opposition appearing to be winning, for as long as I have breath in my body, I will fight on.

    May the strength of your friends be with you :-)

  8. Hello Metamatician, I am newly back from Vienna. That thing gave me the creeps for some reason.

  9. It's supposed to.

    Welcome back, Maalie.
