Everything's Gone Black.
My doc he needed a psychiatrist
For all the things I come complainin' of
My shrink he neededed a therapist
When I told him all I done
An' me on my angry road to heaven
'most had to visit that great beyond.
Nothin' holds no fascination with her gone
Like a black light bring posters other lives
No, she filled my books an' hobbies with another light
Now I got nothin to do but set in my bed and remember
On this angry road to heaven I chose
An' pretend to forget til September.
But it's all gone numb in my mind
Can't sort out these days and weeks
Put these pieces in any kinda order
Can't think straight at all
Everything's gone black, now
The store is closed, the lights is out
The drawbridge got pulled shut real tight like
All the staffers, they done gone home for the evenin'.
I resemble (I mean remember!) that character from another post - part of the book that you're writing whether you know it or not.