Saturday, May 10

being cool

high school
never did learn those
social skills
the harder you try the less cool
you are, it's counterintuitive
yet some of the people got it
I had the perfectly cool friend
who seemed well beyond us in age
a splash of european blond hair
always had money in his wallet
field trip, a time
for us to show our individuality
I'm trying too hard as usual
to get the pretty girl,
the smart girl, the girl that has
perfect genes just like him
he's lying back with a stick of
grass in his teeth, she's
asking me about galaxies
but her eyes are elsewhere
I'm auxiliary sort of
like james dean's young greek
foil in rebel without a cause
i say all the right things
to never win anything I am after


  1. We are who we are and trying to be someone we're not is futile. Most learn as they age and believe me, it gets better in that regard. I still care about things, but being cool isn't one of them.

  2. Nor I, but I did when I was an adolescent. To be cool you had to not care about being cool, or else you were a poser. It's still one of the weirdest phenomena from a social standpoint, and having a daughter I saw it all over again and you only need to go to any middle school or high school to see the game in action. Many adults continue to play, but like you said, the rules change and it gets less capricious as you age, and hopefully matters less to you as well than family, personal expression and satisfaction, and gaining wisdom.

  3. i agree it's part of growing up - and if kids only knew what we know now. haha. listen to your, sure!

  4. Yeah, it doesn't matter how you try to impart wisdom to people, how graphically you illustrate things with words, metaphors, stories, warnings... People have to learn it for themselves. Intelligence is used to learn from words or deduction, wisdom only comes from direct experience. The most you can do is be there to catch them when they fall.
