Saturday, May 10


This can't be what life's about
I felt that at such an early age
Our modern "progress" feels so empty
Just take a look at spiritual traditions
The Perennial Philosophy of the world
Existing in pockets of peoples not yet indoctrinated
Carved into the stone remnants of those who died out
And you will see a life path more fulfilling
Than computer chips, warheads, and plastic dolls
And landfills as catch-me-alls
You will see mathematical harmony,
Spiritual harmony, emotional tranquility
A teaching of all things commensurate with their worth
Not a jumble of ancestor worship or cults with
Animals headed gods leading legions of delusional souls,
No, it is we who are deluded, and cannot see past pure
Materialism into the heart of the living world.


  1. Sad isn't it? But we don't have to follow the crowd. We can filter out the crap and find our own futures. I agree it's not progress.

  2. It takes real guts to swim against the current, but maybe is worth it even more for that reason. But it's exhausting too. There's a reason salmon die after they swim upriver and up waterfalls to reach the shallow breeding pools from whence they were born. Salmon burn hot and bright! And they're yummy.

  3. Silver salmon with bearnaise sauce!

  4. and rice pilaf on the side with slivers of almond in it and a squeeze of lemon. Cup of chowder for an appetizer with oyster crackers and fresh cracked pepper, cold tiramisu for dessert.
