Monday, April 7

My Friend.

I have a friend who worries about "hurricanoes" attacking his town.
He tranposes his Bs and Vs like a Spaniard or a Mexican,
And most words that begin with the prefix re-, he changes to pre-,
Like "pretarded."

He also mixes up his Bs and Ds, hiding in the closet from "durglars"
And reading books about scary "binarysaurs." He likes T-Rex of course,
But he calls him "Dinosaurus Rex" for some reason, and he's terrified of "nushrooms."

I forgot, he also generally switches his Ms and Ns, if he "premembers" to.
He's my best friend ever, I think.


Anonymous said...

I like him!

Metamatician said...

Woo hoo hoo, sounds like a cool guy. ―Dennis

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