Monday, June 23


I wonder what cats think when they look in the mirror. They don't seem to be very impressed.

Scientists say they don't recognize that it's themselves in the mirror. But then why don't they hiss? The implication is that they don't recognize it's a cat at all, but this is clearly nonsense seeing that they recognize a cat outside that approaches, even through a window. So what the heck are they supposed to be thinking when they look in a mirror, according to these scientists? Nothing?

My theory is they just think, so what, that's me in the mirror. Besides, I asked Jackson if he was sentient and he said that he was. But then, you'd expect that. It's like asking the killer if he's innocent. All these animals out there showing clear signs of sentience and emotion, they're all just clever little liars aren't they?

Silly scientists.


Sara said...

This is somthing I've pondered myself. I've known both kittens and puppies to try and play with their reflected selves, but it seems they quickly learn that there's no real other there behind the glass and stop the behaviour after one or two attempts. Babies also smile at themselves in the mirror and then stop doing it as if they come to recognise that it's not another person.

The joy of innocence eh?

Hans said...

same experience here, but my dog still barks at other dogs on TV - especially if they're running around - horses too. She doesn't get the mirror thing - she'll look at me, but not herself.

Unknown said...

I asked Mahou about this so as to clear up the matter. She said that cats already know they're gorgeous so why bother with a mirror.

Metamatician said...

That could actually be true.

Metamatician said...

By the way I STILL get confused and try to bully myself or carry on a conversation with the mirror-guy all the time, even getting annoyed that he just mimics me. It's usually around the 5 minute mark that I suddenly remember it's just a reflection...


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