(Roisin Murphy)
Your date on my data
The chromosomes match
Exact as in matter
A matter of fact
These abberant feelings
A cognitive state
Need the love object
To reciprocate
When I think that I’m over you
I’m overpowered
It’s long overdue
I’m overpowered
When I think that I’m over you
I’m overpowered
It’s long overdue
I’m overpowered
A chemical reason
If reason’s your game
A chemical needing
Is there in the brain
With preprogrammed meanings
Like a little more pep
Alien feelings
We have to accept
When I think that I’m over you
I’m overpowered
It’s long overdue
I’m overpowered
When I think that I’m over you
I’m overpowered
It’s long overdue
I’m overpowered
As science struggles on to try to explain
Oxy-toxins flowing ever into my brain
As science struggles on to try to explain
Oxy-toxins flowing ever into my brain
I'm overpowered
Mark-it-yourself-Quiz answers now published, though you've had all week to look them up for yourself.
You Overpowered us once again, Meta. You and T-Rex are in cahoots.
No way am I in league with that slimey limey. We're just both smart.
Not in league!? I'm suspicious having seen your favourite films list. The evidence is there in the form of Monty Python and the Holy Grail and Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid. C'mon admit it!
Your choice of the word 'slimey' wouldn't have anything to do with the returned trumpet, would it?
Don't encourage him Raelha. He and Rex are quite vile enough in combo with being egged on. Trust me on that.
Yeah, don't encourage us. And no comment on that last part btw.
Empath; I'd like to make it clear I have got very wide feet, and therefore never wear cahoots as they just never fit me. This spurious allegation is hotly denied, isn't it darling..er.. I mean Meta.
Merry X(christ)mas to you both. love Slimey
Yeah, see, we BOTH denied it. Two negatives make a positive so there!
Wait a sec...
Happy Xbox to you too Rexie Pooh. Give my best to Woodgirl.
P.S. Maybe we should start our own league. We could call it the League of Ultra Special Powers or something like that. Something with the word 'special' in it.
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