Friday, February 15


lost lamb cries for its mother
nature can be a cruel thing
pits lonely lives against each other
alone in the violence of spring
first bloom is drown in a shower
a bird in a cage tries to sing
joy is not allowed when you've
lost the purpose of your birth
evolution shaped you to be free
but you've become the furthest thing
sing the saddest songs on earth

there's an apple in my plastic cup
a switch, sorry, don't know how
it got there; I must have eaten it
but I can't remember - they took it from me
like a bad person takes candy from a baby
and lets her cry until false forces come
to the rescue, ameliorate her feelings
with lies and imaginary justices
I was caught between a rock and a place
that was far too soft, I buried myself,
don't tell my family, I'm embarrassed-
I took a position of hardest man in the world
so I could conquer my fear of dying

lady in waiting,
don't wait any more
your prince is never coming
your life is a snail-like thing that
oozed through the cracks of life;
we all try our hardest
when the chips are down but that
doesn't mean we achieve
a goddamn thing
or that falling trees make sounds.


Sara said...

Check out today's post over at my place.

Hans said...

Magdalene - loved your post. It's the big and small things too that we need to notice more often. Free hugs! Justin, I hope you're feeling alright. Same ol' thing, but eventually it starts to sink in - We are what we think, as well as eat - so I'm one big sorry pudding that's trying hard to accept the bad with the good. Eventually we will help each other out of these doldrums. Pinky promise, ok?

Unknown said...

I don't know what to say to this - Mags had the perfect reply. *big bear hugs all round*

Metamatician said...

Thanks you three - you're my answer to the patriarchal Trinity, except you're nice and not vengeful, don't commit suicide to save my soul from sin, or tell me I can't lust after my neighbor's wife.

I loved your post Maglite, I'm doing good right now Empath but I'll still take you up on the pinky promise to help each other through the tough times, and Raelha, thanks for the bear hug ;-) Would that be a polar bear hug by chance?

Hans said...

Maternal trinity makes much more sense to me - it's a natural thing for females. Put 3 dudes together and what do you get? A power struggle. I won't get into religion on here, but I'm tempted. Well, just a note: Catholic means "all-embracing". LOL

Sara said...

I reckon if we all share the good stuff with each other more often, we can create little candles everywhere. Maglite indeed. :.)

Metamatician said...

Interesting about the word Catholic. All-embracing in this case except for Protestants of all types, Muslims, Jews, Buddhist, Hindus, Atheists, Agnostics, Jainists, Zoroastrians, Wiccans...

I like the idea of little candles everywhere. If everyone just lit their little corner of the world...

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