Monday, June 22

Traffic on the Cat Highway

Background information: There is construction going on at my "townhouse" complex... mostly to eradicate building sickness caused by black mold, from what I can unofficially gather. One side effect is that the undisturbed greenbelt that used to run behind my place has been severed by a walkway to facilitate construction workers bringing materiel and personnel via the back route (ie, right outside my window) to some of the remoter corners of the property. Which devalues my property, in my opinion, but nevermind that for now.

While construction logistics may be the official purpose of the new walkway, its obvious major use is now clear: to function as a CAT SUPERHIGHWAY upon which untold numbers of felines traipse to and fro just because they can. My own cat, Jackson, seems to be the worst offender of all, sometimes walking the path to one end only to turn about and walk back the entire length.

But I'm watching them. A week of counting cats that use the cat highway...

Jackson 13
Blackie 12
Big Head 8
Fake Jackson 6
Typhoon 5
Sleek 5
Big Cheeky 5
Grey Boy 4
Sylvester 2
Patches 1
Fake Sasha 1
Prowler 1

I will get photos of all the offenders up as soon as possible.

An explanation of names...
Since I don't know most of these cats' real names, I've nicknamed them myself. Thus,

Blackie = a small black female cat who I feed on occasion.
Big Head = a black and white male with a disproportionately large noggin.
Fake Jackson = an orange tom who looks a lot like Jacks, but he's not.
Typhoon = a small tabby who always seems to be sprinting.
Sleek = a solid-black, very tall and elegant male with a red collar.
Big Cheeky = a ginger toppped, white bottomed, very large male cat.
Grey Boy = a medium-sized long-haired grey male.
Sylvester = a medium-sized tuxedo type cat, sex undetermined.
Patches - a small calico cat which I assume is female.
OBH ('Obvious Butt-hole') - this white cat ALWAYS has its tail up.
Fake Sasha - A grey tabby like my sister's cat Sasha. Probably female.
Prowler - A dusky Russian or British plush-type cat I've only seen once.


Hans said...

i like your cat highway count, but i'm sorry you have a highway!

Metamatician said...

Yeah :-|

Thanks though.

Metamatician said...

Cat Highway, in the sunshine
Where the days are longer
The nights are stronger than moonshine

Jack's gonna go
I know, I know, I know...

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