Friday, May 1

Kenwood, California


Hans said...

Don't we live in a beautiful area? Nice photos!

Metamatician said...

That's Sugarloaf on the top pic and Mt. Hood on the bottom. They've not very tall considering the base of the valley is only about 20 feet above sea level, but I've climbed them both several times. Great views from up there! ...and down below as well :)

I'm amazed almost every day at how beautiful it is where I live. Living my childhood in Southern California, mostly in deserts, I've seen the other side of things, and I'll never take this part of the state (or country, or world) for granted.

Just think, those grapes go literally all over the world once they leave those vines and get turned into yummy vinos. It's the largest industry in the county, with dairy coming next.

Wine Regions

Metamatician said...

Thanks Empath =)

Unknown said...

Such strong, beautiful colour. It looks gorgeous. Is that Kenwood nestled at the foot of Sugarloaf?

I have a similar appreciation of Asturias. I've been here for four and a half years now and I still get up every day, open my curtains and let the view astound me. We're both fortunate to live in these places.

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