Thursday, October 13

Walking down to the mailbox, I suddenly realize more vividly than usual why people paint, sketch, take pictures, make movies. In the deep light of late afternoon, walking across a wooden bridge amidst the leaves of trees of a dozen kinds, the visual lure of the world is visceral. My mind becomes a camera adding serene landscape upon sagacious wrought iron handrail to its portfolio of witnessed delights. Even the people I nod to in passing seem subdued by the majesty that has settled into our humble corner of life. In a few hours it will be dark, the exquisite sights gone. And tomorrow is so far in the future it doesn't bear thinking about. But here and now it all feels real and beautiful.


JOVIAN said...

I love the feel of the impending winter. There's nothing, at least here in sunny San Diego, to mark the change. It's even hot at night still. There's just something in the air, that wistful feeling and hint of mystery. Maybe the air is thinner or something and my brain is oxygen-deprived. Whatever it is, it's always around this time of year I have one or two of those days where the world seems cool and everything seems to fit gently together. It doesn't last, of course, but to have those days at all is a blessing.

lastlifeinmyuniverse said...

mei. thats a part of my chinese name... and a million other chinese girls. oh well.

Metamatician said...

Mei goodness!

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