Wednesday, September 26

"Moondream" by Ann Erpino


Hans said...

Cold and wintery - she did a nice job. Reflection in the moon is interesting.

Metamatician said...

Yeah. I bookmarked her site, she's got some other interesting compositions. Seems to deal with dream worlds quite a bit.

Thesaurus Rex said...

So we did! And yeah it is bright. It was full at 8.40pm here, so 12.40 in Cali. Amazing how often the sky seems to be clear on full moons, or is that because we notice the sky at all more on full moons? Why am I asking you, I'm the Cancerian!

Metamatician said...

It's clear because La Mistress de la Luna blows a big puff of silvery air through the night sky, dispersing the clouds. This has been confirmed by science by the way.

Thesaurus Rex said...

I knew it! She breaths a lazy breath, so lazy it wo'nt go around to get past, it just goes straight throuh you.

Metamatician said...

Er... something like that.

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