Wednesday, April 11

Whereupon I'm called arrogant or worse...

The blogging world has been really disappointing so far. People are seldom who they seem. Even face to face this is true, but online it is so much easier to forge a super secret life for yourself and be cooler than you really are. Then someone wants to meet you in person and what happens? Poof - you disappear. So much easier than turning out not to be as cool as your blog indicates.

But I'm not going anywhere. I never thought I was cool anyway. I just don't see much interest in what I have to say. That's fine. I'm not interested in what most of the 6.5 billion hamburgers served in this world have to say either. Most have no thoughts or opinions at all, from the looks of it. I guess these are just the null nodes needed to fill out the system for some logical reason I haven't gotten around to figuring out yet.

Maybe next time I'm in the dream, or rather, next time I really wake up, I'll think on it a bit.


HB said...

I skiped passed cool and went straight for mad.

Metamatician said...

Wow, a comment. Welcome.

Hans said...

So now you're the mad chatter! (cheshire grin)

Metamatician said...

Cheshire cat was based on a british shorthair. Except his stripes, I guess.

Hans said...

It appears and disappears at will, engaging Alice in amusing but sometimes vexing conversation. The cat sometimes points out philosophical points that annoy Alice. It does, however, appear to cheer her up when it turns up suddenly at the Queen of Hearts' croquet field, and when sentenced to death baffles everyone by making its body disappear, but its head remain visible, sparking a massive argument between the King, the Queen and the executioner about whether or not something that does not have a body can indeed be beheaded. At one point, the cat disappears gradually until nothing is left but its grin, prompting Alice to remark that she has often seen a cat without a grin but never a grin without a cat. LOL from Wikipedia.

One Garfield strip features Garfield imitating the Cat during the night with his teeth shining in the dark. This wakes up Jon who demands to know if he's been reading "Alice in Wonderland." Garfield responds "You must be psychic" in the same position as the Cat.

The Cheshire Cat is definitely robust with a big head in drawings, like a British Blue - seems the original drawing also had stripes though not pink and purple like Disney's.

Metamatician said...

Neat - thanks for the info! I always liked that movie but I've never read the original book(s). Shame on me, I'll have to correct that.

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